Mohammad Yunus

Independent Experts Positively Assess the Bangladesh Interim Government after Three Months in Power


Amidst much hyperbolic commentary on the performance of the Interim Government in Bangladesh, the International Crisis Group performed a laudable public service recently by holding a webinar titled “Bangladesh Three Months After Hasina’s Downfall: Opportunities and Challenges” featuring three experts on Bangladesh: Zafar Sobhan, Amena Mohsin, and Thomas Kean. (The entire 83 minute webinar can be viewed here.) Their sober and fact-based assessment of the Interim Government was noteworthy for its generally positive tone.

They include:

  1. There was no massive retribution against those who backed the regime led by Sheikh Hasina, as would have been expected from prior transitions in Bangladesh.
  2. Generally, the security situation, which was challenging immediately after the fall of prior government, has stabilized. It has not degenerated, as was possible.
  3. A political consensus in favor of reforms by the Interim Government has emerged and has held. Students have been especially supportive. This has given the Interim Government time and space to pursue needed reforms.
  4. Giving the reform commissions a deadline of the end of December has created a needed sense of urgency and possibility.
  5. Domestic support for the Interim Government has remained strong. The populace regards the government as honest, committed to reform, and inclusive of respected intellectuals.
  6. The macro-economy has stabilized and the banking sector has improved noticeably. There was no run on the banks, no major increase in inflation, and foreign reserves had not plummeted – all of which could have happened with less able leadership in place.
  7. International support for Bangladesh since the Interim Government coming to power has been significant. Professor Yunus’ meetings in New York while attending the U.N. General Assembly were seen as very successful.
  8. People realize that this is a watershed moment in Bangladesh history, and that the prior regime damaged and destroyed vital institutions. Many of the statistics put out by the prior government were falsified, meaning the state of the country and especially the economy was worse than had been imagined. There is much goodwill in the population for the Interim Government as it tries to pick up the pieces.
  9. The Interim Government, including the Chief Adviser and the entire cabinet, came out strongly and appropriately against violence against minorities.
  10. Economic problems were one of the main causes of the revolution, and an economic disaster during the second half of the years was a possibility. But this has been averted; the bleeding as stopped. The Interim Finance Minister Salehuddin Ahmed is widely respected and is doing an excellent job.
  11. The Interim Government’s relations with the army and with its leadership have remained stable and generally positive.

The speakers naturally identified some improvement areas, including enlarging the cabinet and being more transparent in decision-making. There was much commentary about misleading media reports from India about the treatment of Hindus, and how they are harming India-Bangladesh relations. The Netra News investigative report about one alleged instance of mistreatment was mentioned. As we look ahead, more discussions like this one will help ground views about the Interim Government in reality.